Services and member amenities

General locker rooms and shower facilities

  • At this time the locker rooms are open for showering purposes only.
  • Access cards will be available at Panther Central following your workout Monday to Friday from 6:00 am–3:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am–12:00 pm.
  • Users will be required to sanitize their hands when signing out access cards at Panther Central.
  • Sauna is closed indefinitely.

NOTE: General locker rooms will be closed from 10:00–11:00 am for cleaning


  • Lockers outside the fitness centre are available for use during your workout.
  • Please DO NOT put dirty footwear inside the lockers. There will be shoe trays outside the fitness centre for outdoor footwear.
  • Users should bring their own locks as BCA Athletics and Recreation is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • Lockers are for day use only. Any locks left on overnight will be cut off and items will be removed.


  • Washrooms are located outside the walking track and fitness centre on the second floor.
  • Please follow all directional signage and maintain two-metre distance from others.


  • Community members can access the MacLauchlan Arena parking lot, located behind our facility and across from the School or Sustainable Design and Engineering building.
  • Community members may obtain a token from the Bell Aliant Control Desk following their workout.
  • Metered parking lots are located in front of the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre and W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

NOTE: The gated lot in front of the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre is for Bell Aliant Centre pool users only. Parking in this lot will require you to pay $9 for a token at the Pool Control Desk.

Water fountains

  • A water bottle refill station is located in the lobby across from Panther Central. All other water fountains in the facility are closed indefinitely.


  • There is no open gym at this time.
  • Gymnasium is open for BCA organized events including varsity/club team practices, Panther Academy programming and intramurals.
  • For gymnasium rental options please contact Stephanie Knickle (Feedback and Suggestions ).

Day passes/5-punch passes

  • Day passes and 5-punch passes are available for purchase at Panther Central.